Update: Moorebank Avenue Realignment
Development Updates, General News
Monday 16th December 2024
From January 2025, the primary construction works will commence for the planned realignment and upgrade of Moorebank Avenue to streamline traffic management in the local area and improve road safety.
Works are scheduled to commence from mid-January 2025 and will be on-going for approximately 18 months. The works will deliver a four-lane, three-kilometre road realignment connecting the north and south of the Precinct.
The construction works for this project would be predominately undertaken offline, with only short periods of changes to road conditions along Moorebank Avenue. Unless otherwise advised, most works will take place within the Precinct’s approved standard construction hours of Monday to Friday 7am – 6pm and Saturday 8am – 1pm.
The Moorebank Intermodal Precinct will continue to issue regular email updates to communicate traffic changes and road user impacts throughout the works. All enquiries or information requests should be directed to 1800 986 465 (24/7 hotline) or moorebank@tsamgt.com.