Interstate Terminal
The Interstate Terminal
The Interstate Terminal at the Moorebank Intermodal Precinct was officially opened by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in April 2024. The Terminal is an important milestone to help build a resilient, efficient and sustainable national supply chain and support a future made in Australia.
It is Australia’s first major metropolitan independent Interstate Terminal, operating under an open access arrangement and not controlled by an above rail operator.
The Terminal is designed and optimised to handle 1,800m long interstate freight trains. In its current configuration, there are four 900m tracks with the capacity to process 250,000 TEU per annum. When expanded to its full potential, the Terminal will have eight 900m tracks, gantry cranes and have a capacity to process 500,000 TEU per annum.
The Interstate Terminal is owned and operated by MITCo, a joint venture partnership between the Australian Government-owned National Intermodal Corporation, Qube Holdings and ESR Australia & NZ.
Terminal Access
Terminal Access
The Interstate Terminal has been designed as an open access facility with the aim to promote competition for the transport of freight and improve supply chain efficiency. The Terminal is open to all Third Party Operators and Customers in accordance with an open access protocol.
For further information, please download a Terminal Information Pack
Interstate Terminal Contact
Protocol & Procedures
Terminal Access Protocol
A copy of the Terminal Access Protocol can be viewed and downloaded below.
Capacity Allocation Protocol
A copy of the Capacity Allocation Protocol is available in the Terminal Access Protocol which is available via download below.
Terminal Operating Procedure
A copy of the Terminal Operating Procedure is available via download below.
Capacity Expansion
A copy of the Capacity expansion principles, profile and objective is available via the download below.
Radio Communications Protocol
A copy of the Radio Communications Protocol is available via the download below.
Access Requests
Access Request Procedure
The procedure for assessing Access Requests may be viewed below.
Capacity Availability
The capacity availability information will be published on this website to assist potential customers of the Interstate Terminal to understand available track capacity.
Application Form
A copy of the application form may be downloaded below.
Email completed application form to:
Rolling Stock Standards
Rail Operators accessing the Moorebank Interstate Terminal are required to use wagons which are either:
- CQZY class wagons (see specifications attached);
- CQBY class wagons (see specifications attached); or
- Equivalent wagons which meet the Asset Standard T HR RS 00400 ST mandatory requirements for bogie Angles of Attack AoA and steering performance.
- Rail operators are also referred to the rolling stock requirements and procedures for assessing the ARTC rail network which are available here.
Standard Customer Agreement
A copy of the Standard Customer Agreement containing the Standard Carrier Access Terms can be viewed and downloaded below.
Carrier access to the Moorebank IMEX Terminal is managed through Qube’s VBS system known as Maximus. Please contact the Operator to access this system – Please contact the Operator to access this system – refer to the Terminal Access Contact Page below.
Services available at Interstate Terminal
Rail Terminal Access Service
- Provision of access by a Train into the Interstate Terminal;
- Allocation of the Train to a track for unloading and loading;
- Facilitating the departure of a Train from the Interstate Terminal
Rail Terminal Loading and Unloading Service
- Unloading of containers from wagons onto the ground or to a truck or an internal transfer vehicle in the Interstate Terminal;
- Internal transfer of containers within the Interstate Terminal;
- Short term container storage within the Interstate Terminal area including aggregation for further transport
- Loading of containers from a truck or an internal transfer vehicle onto the ground and loading containers from ground or storage area to Train wagons.
Truck Terminal Access Service
- In-gate processing of trucks including collection of Customer booking information, inventory management of containers and notification by the Customer of the nature and description of the goods and other relevant information;
- Provision of access by a truck to the Interstate Terminal to collect or deliver a container;
- Out-gate processing of Trucks, including matching of release numbers to container numbers and integration of electronic information for ending possession of the container.
Reference Pricing Principles
Under the open access requirements, all customers must be able to access the same pricing for all services. Key pricing for the Interstate
A list of the metrics which will be publicly reported on an annual basis is available for download below.
Capacity Availability
There are rail and truck windows available at the Moorebank Interstate Terminal on all days (Monday – Friday). Please refer any requests for access to:
Rail Network and Rail Pathing
For rail path applications and information, please access Australian Rail Track Corporation’s (ARTC) DTPOS site.
Terminal Complaints
In person
Feedback and Complaints can be submitted in person to an Operator staff member at the Interstate Terminal
Via email
Feedback and Complaints can be submitted via email to:
Please address to the attention of the Moorebank Interstate Terminal Complaints Handling Manager.
Via post
Feedback and Complaints can be submitted via post to:
Lvl 21
200 George St
Sydney, 2000
Dispute Resolution
Further information relating to complaints including the dispute resolution process is available via the Terminal Access Protocol which is available via download below.