Nighttime utility work on Moorebank Avenue
Current Works
Tuesday 30th June 2020
SIMTA contractor BMD will be working on Moorebank Avenue during nighttime hours next week, as it carries out service locations ahead of an upgrade to the road.
The work is scheduled for the nights of Wednesday 8 July and Thursday 9 July.
Activities include survey location, potholing and excavating.
Work will take place on Moorebank Avenue near Bapaume Road. This work has been scheduled outside of regular construction hours to avoid disruption to local business and road users. It will involve lighting towers, light vehicles, excavator, a generator and sawing. It is not expected to impact the nearest residences in Wattle Grove North and Casula.
Moorebank Avenue will remain open at all times. Contra-flow will be set up, this will take place under the supervision of traffic controllers. Please drive to the conditions, obey roadwork speed limits and follow the directions of traffic controllers.
If you require further information, please phone 1800 986 465 or email