Have your say on future Moorebank Precinct West development

Current Works, General News
Sunday 24th May 2020

An Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared on behalf of SIMTA to accompany a state significant development application (SSD) for the proposed Moorebank Precinct West Subdivision and Construction Compound development.

The Proposal comprises the establishment of a works compound in the southern portion of the MPW site to facilitate progressive site development in accordance with the MPW Concept Plan and Stage 1 Early Works Approval (SSD 5066), MPW Stage 2 Approval (SSD 7709) and future stages of MPW development.

It also includes progressive subdivision of the MPW Site into nine allotments for the purpose of delineating common areas, easements and rights of way across and between the rail terminal, warehousing and conservation management areas of the site.

Subdivision of the MPW Site would also facilitate long-term tenanting of individual warehouses.

Ancillary works on the site would include:

  • temporary and permanent access roads
  • earthworks
  • fencing and preliminary establishment facilities
  • utilities installation/connection
  • stormwater and drainage infrastructure
  • signage and landscaping, and
  • mitigation works for noise, dust, weed, biodiversity, soil and water management across the MPW Site.

The compound would be developed for servicing of the proposed allotments, site monitoring, mitigation and maintenance activities, establishment of subdivision works and for progressive future warehouse construction.

Further information regarding the proposed development works can be found on the NSW Planning Portal website. 

Feedback can be provided at SIMTA@elton.com.au, or at 1800 986 465 (24 hours a day).

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